UniAI Events

Photo from UniAI's kickoff event in September 2023

Winter Semester Kick-off

The official start of UniAI’s first generation members: 30 students from 8 different universities came together to embark on a creative journey of education and innovation with AI.

30 September 2023

Myrtillo Café

How to hack an LLM? {Workshop}

First Internal Training on AI

18 October 2023


UniAI's First Workshop on how to hack an LLM
Group photo of UniAI team in AIForum

Real time predictions using an AI chatbot {Workshop}

Our first external Workshop took place during the Second AI Forum

04 November 2023

National Hellenic Research Foundation

First Pint of AI​

In a relaxed environment we got to learn and share with the world all about art and AI at our first Pint of AI: Art Edition

28 November 2023

hiVerid Mind Art Exhibition

Dimitris Vassilakis, our guest, playing saxophone in the first Pint of AI: Art Edition
First AI Open Seminar, 3rd speaker Giannakopoulos

AI Open Seminar

With 3 esteemed speakers from the field of AI Research, we held our first sold-out AI Open Seminar, gathering 60 participants from different universities

15 December 2023

Athens University of Economics and Business

AI Open Seminar

Topics: Computer Vision, Commands as AI Conversations​

19 January 2024

Athens University of Economics and Business

Stay tuned for more workshops, seminars and more!